Thursday, June 21, 2007

Poetry thursday 6.21.07

Tree of Life

I would rather taste of pure love
of trust, sacrifice, faith
and exhilarating abandon
open to the full extent of both pain and joy:
sweet nectar of embracing each moment fully
salty tears of mourning each loss keenly
and every flavor in between
than spend another safe hour
unforgiving and unforgiven
sipping slow and serene
the bitter dregs of regret.

and for good measure, a couple of haiku...


I am master of
my destiny: free to choose,
I choose to be free.


Curling, swirling, so
sublime and sinuously skewed
serpentine spiral.


Clare said...

Yes to life!! That's how I felt when reading these. I love all 3 with their sense of immediacy and passion and fearlessness. And I really like the s's in the helix haiku -- it feels really good to read out loud.

Tammy Brierly said...

Well done! Amen to this wonderful little smart poem.

Helix rolled around my tongue. Nice haiku. :)

Regina said...

Your first poem really connected to my heart today... and the haikus were perfect. Job well done!

Odessa said...

"sipping slow and serene
the bitter dregs of regret." - I love this line. Its so lyrical. And I love the poem. Thanks for reminding me to embrace life with wild abandon.

Katie said...

I love the "every flavor in between." Taste the full range of emotions, and life! Yes!

Rob Kistner said...

Yes, CG... yes!

Let it roll, let it flow... lift up the feet -- and let them go!

Some fine writing... ;)

gautami tripathy said...

This is how it should be. Experiencing life with all its nuances. like the haiku too. Those stayed in mind.

Love Ponders

patti said...

Seize the day! Well written and so true. I really enjoyed the Haiku too.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Embrace each moment - vital advice!

leonie said...

i love your tree of life poem! amazing.

chicklegirl said...

Hey, y'all! Thanks for all your great comments--I've been working on a sewing project this weekend so I've been to busy to respond to the comments individually, but they are always appreciated. :)

Thinker said...

Agree with your sentiments.