Friday, February 29, 2008

Relinquishing self-delusions of control

My power
is in knowing
and acting on
its ken:
too much might


Gemma Wiseman said...

Nifty tension in your thoughts. Beautiful balance of words!

Smiles and Light

Lifeless in Ohio said...

I do not know, "acting on its ken" and therefore cheated of your insight.

chicklegirl said...


Cricket--"ken" means "knowledge, understanding, or cognizance; mental perception: an idea beyond one's ken."

UL said...

short and wise words...

gautami tripathy said...

Very meaningful!

teachers bleed too

Tumblewords: said...

Even empowerment requires some balance - well done post!

anthonynorth said...

Knowledge is always better than might.
'Ken' is often used in Scotland.
Short and well constructed piece.

chicklegirl said...

UL, Paris Parfait--I tried to distill it; seemed like less would be more in this case.

Gautami, Tumblewords--thank you!

Anthony--ah, maybe I've a Scot somewhere on my family tree, that I didn't know about...

Rambler said...

knowledge and wisdom, one of the greatest powers of human mind. very well said

Jeques said...

I love minimalism. This piece achieved to make a statement in brevity.

I wish you well.

~ Jeques

Rob Kistner said...

Wonderful... sharp as a dart and crisp as a fall zephyr -- really like this, and your reading of it. ;)

chicklegirl said...

Rambler--yes, I think wisdom is the appropriate application of knowledge (because just knowing isn't enough).

Jeques--thanks. It needed to be short, or I think I would have been overstating what I wanted to say.

Rob--why, thank you! I appreciate your tips on the audio stuff.