Friday, April 03, 2009

NaPoWriMo #3: threes

Today's prompt at Read Write Poem was "threes". Instead of going for the literal, I thought I'd go to a form I've tried only once before, the tritina. This was inspired by our dessert tonight, and though I had to keep myself from thinking about the horrendous amounts of pesticides associated with storebought strawberries, they were sufficiently delicious to start my mouth watering for the ones that will be showing up in our backyard later this summer. Now, if only it would stop snowing here...

July in April

I’ll wash then sort then slice the berries
while you pour then whip then sweeten cream
and when we’re done lay out forks and plates

steel gleams burnished beside cobalt plates
lavishly heaped with crimson berries
nestled under velvet flurried cream

breath of vanilla infuses cream
painstaking, we lick clean our plates
but still taste tart off-season berries

on each other’s lips kissing cream and strawberries after plates of July in April.

1 comment:

Earthseed Detroit said...

I like this a lot and appreciate you introducing me to a new form. I am going to try one!

This is a very sensual piece,
I especially like your closing!