Friday, October 29, 2010

Preview of coming attractions

This morning our local library hosted a special Halloween story time, so Jimmy and Audrey had a dress rehearsal with their costumes. Other than a bit of screaming and yelling from Audrey about having her snarly hair pulled back into a ponytail, and the need for her to wear tights in the brisk autumn air, the operation was a resounding success. It was great to see that the costumes I've been working on all week fit well while being roomy enough to accommodate all the requisite Halloween capering.

By tomorrow evening, I'll have finished sewing my costume and Jim's, and our whole ensemble will be ready to debut at the annual trunk-or-treat...


Ally said...

Very impressive, Katie!!! They look so dang cute!

Dyann said...

I'm sure that you'll include pictures of the whole crew?

aubreyannie said...

ooh! i want to see pictures of everyone! woot! you are so crafty, girl.

Unknown said...

I really like that Peter Pan is wearing sneakers. Honestly, that's the way a modern Peter Pan would dress, right?

Wonderful costumes and truly adorable kids! Miss you!