Thursday, August 23, 2007

Farm fresh Jimmy pix

Well, that's not strictly accurate; my friend Debbie doesn't have a farm, per se. But if you ask her, she'd say, "I'm a goat woman!"

Debbie is, in fact, a renaissance woman: she's got four kids, one husband, one old farmhouse, five goats, two cows, two dogs, two cats, a large garden, and she owns a business.

Debbie is loud, with a hilarious sense of humor, and she calls a spade a spade. She's an amazingly generous friend. She keeps me from taking myself too seriously, but has a soft shoulder to cry on when those crazy prenatal hormones get the better of me. In fact, she's kept me sane for much of my pregnancy. We have a lot of fun working together as leaders in the Young Women program at church, but we're also swimming buddies and she's been mentoring me through my first-ever quilting project. And she's single-handedly responsible for me starting to wear or sew anything that is lime green.

On Monday we went over to Debbie's so that Jimmy could check out her new baby goat. While we were there, he got to help collect eggs, feed the chickens, and jump on the trampoline.

Inside the chicken coop...

...Jimmy helps collect eggs.

Debbie schools Jimmy on how to feed the chickens...

...and now he's flying solo.

Lots of love for the big goats...

...but for some reason he's not so sure about the baby, Jolly.

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