And now, back to our regular programming...
This weekend Jim, Jimmy, Audrey and I made the trek over Snoqualmie Pass for a baby shower hosted by my buddy Lydia. While the boys had lunch and went on a quest for Jimmy's latest holy grail (a Spiderman wastebasket for his bedroom—sadly, not to be found), I got my estrogen fix hanging with some of my favorite girlfriends.
First, let me say that Lydia deserves some serious props for throwing the shower. Saturday morning, with less than four hours before it was supposed to start, she calls me because Roxy, her three-year-old, has been vomiting and she doesn't want to expose us to what ever bug poor Roxy is battling. The multi-tasking, creative super-trooper that she is, Lydia (at 7:45 a.m.) has already come up with an alternate venue for the shower (at Aubrey's, right down the block), and she just wants to make sure I'm okay with the change of plans.
Aubrey, who threw a party the night before, graciously let us take over her place and enjoy the gorgeous decorations (she created the beautiful strings of lights herself!) When I got there shortly after eleven, Lydia, Aubrey and Dyann were busy in the kitchen with all manner of amazingly delicious food. Thanks so much, ladies, for a wonderful party (and to Sundy, for the tasty pear salad).
One of the most amazing things about Audrey's birth is the way my girlfriends have rallied around and supported me—those that live close to me, as well as those far away. They've painted my house, brought our family meals, lightened my mood with cards and phone calls and emails, given us delicious fresh fruits and vegetables, baby sat or taken Jimmy on playdates so that I could rest and go to doctor appointments, visited me at home and in the hospital, thrown parties, showered me and Audrey with adorable and thoughtful gifts, and prayed for us to be well.
I'm always amazed at the strength we women draw from one another, and grateful particularly at this time to benefit from that. Thanks and love to all the women in my life: my mother, sisters, step-mother, mother- and sisters-in-law, and those who have chosen to be family even when they didn't have to—my friends.